Co-op Governance

Central Co-op is a solidarity cooperative, which means we're owned by multiple classes of owners: The customers who shop at our grocery stores, and the workers who operate those stores. The voices of our owners are represented in Co-op governance via our Board of Trustees.

The Nominating Committee (also known as the NomCom) is an owner-elected committee tasked with recruiting suitable candidates for Board of Trustee positions.

Links to learn more:

Elected by the ownership of Central Co-op and serving three year terms, this governing body appoints, hires, or promotes a company president who steers operational progress. The Board of Trustees remains the legal steward of the cooperative.

The Board is also responsible for ensuring organizational performance on behalf of all of Central Co-op's owners. This work includes developing clearly stated expectations through developing Ends; delegating responsibility for, and authority over, the achievement of stated objectives; and monitoring compliance with written policies.

2024 Election Results:

All candidates ran unopposed. In order to win their seat, they needed to receive at least 50% of the total votes cast.

 Consumer Owner Board of Trustees Position

  • 460 total votes were cast for this position
  • Saul Spady received 460 votes (100% of votes for this position, and 87% of the total overall votes cast)

With 100% of the vote, Saul Spady wins the Consumer Owner BOT position. 

Worker Owner Board of Trustees Position

  • 499 votes were cast for this position
  • Marcus Chavez received 499 votes (100% for position, and 95% of the overall vote)

With 100% of the vote, Marcus Chavez wins the Worker Owner BOT position.

 Consumer Owner NomCom Position

  • 484 votes were cast for this position
  • Winston Fryer received 484 votes (100% for position, 94% of the overall vote)

With 100% of the vote, Winston Fryer wins the Consumer Owner NomCom position.

 Worker Owner NomCom Position

  • 451 votes were cast for this position
  • Marshall Coleman received 451 votes (100% for position, 86% of the overall vote)

With 100% of the vote, Marshall Coleman wins the Worker Owner NomCom position. 


Learn about running for the Board of Trustees

Carey DiJulio, Board Chair

Casey Cerretani, Vice Chair 

Mark McFarlan
2022 - 2025

Amethyst Green

Brian Burke
*Appointed to complete the last two years of a vacated three year term.

Marcus Chavez

Saul Spady

Ron Lawrence
Executive Trustee


What does the Board of Trustees not do?

The Board of Trustees does not make decisions about, become involved with, or take part in any of the day-to-day activities or decisions regarding the operations of Central Co-op. The board's sole official connection to the operations of the cooperative is through the CEO.

See your Board in action! Owners are welcome at Board meetings.

Central Co-op Owner-Members in good standing are welcome to observe meetings of the full Board of Trustees. At every Board meeting, trustees are in attendance, reports are heard and decisions are made regarding the important topics facing the Co-op. 

Note: Meetings are currently held over Zoom. Members may email no later than 48 hours before a meeting to request a link.

The Nominating Committee (also known as the NomCom) is an owner-elected committee tasked with recruiting suitable candidates for Board of Trustee positions. The Nominating Committee's goal is that the Board is made up of qualified and knowledgeable Co-op owners who can represent the best interests of the membership.

  • Cooperative Principle 2: Democratic Member Governance

The Nominating Committee is comprised of one consumer owner, one worker owner, and one Trustee, and terms are one year long.

Learn about running for the Nominating Committee

Carey DiJulio
Consumer-Owner, Chair


Winston Fryer


Hannah Jessup









Would you or anyone you know be a good candidate for the Board of Trustees or the NomCom? Drop us a line! Contact the Nominating Committee using the General Inquiries and Comments form


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Open Daily: 8am - 10pm
1600 E Madison St, Seattle

Pearl & 46th, Tacoma   [ Map ]
Open Daily: 7:30am – 9pm
4502 North Pearl Street

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